Sunday, March 19, 2006

Austin Blogger Tourney

Yesterday, the WPBT Austin Event started not too long after 1pm, I was there, and I played, altho.. I was not in the best condition to be playing extended poker... I was exhausted before I even got there, having hauled dirt all day.. helping a friend get their lawn back in shape... the weather for this task was not optimal, raining off and on all day.. making it very muddy... which in turn, made it a bit more difficult to work with... but, I rarely pass up a chance to see the local Austin Poker Bloggers... and a tournament as well........

I don't really have a write up... I had planned on taking notes, and pictures... and I would have done a good job too.. but... I was just too tired to care... I really didn't expect to last as long as I did, 4th out of 24 or so.. ITM.... weeeeeeeeeeee... lucky for me, and my faithful reader(s).... a few of the participants did keep notes, and did take pictures...

April - did some live blogging and even had one or two famous Austin folks as guest bloggers..

ScottMc - has a writeup with tons of pics.. ( ignore the ones of me )

Mourn - was here, all the way from Houston...

There will prolly be other writeups, from likes of Eva, Maigrey, Gus, ScurvyDog and others...... lot of bloggers there...

Was a grand time... always is... thanks to Adam for hosting...