Sunday, July 31, 2005

drunken recollection

my hole cards A10diamonds. dont recall bets or positons

flop Q and J of diamonds

I think I called a relatively small bet with a flush draw, gut shot straight draw..

turn is K diamonds.....

I don't remember any betting after that.....

there was like some min betting.....

I didn't get huge pay off.......

wish I could show you the history from Aboslute's site, but, they banned me..... cuz, I kept asking for hand history....

i ove/ate poker

as far as my royal, the following is the best i can do with what Aboslute decided I needed..

2413991469 JVOWELL@AUSTIN.RR.COM (SLAYRE) HOLDEM_TM 36491 34 165102952 7/30/2005 1,590.00

770 2,360.00 G-PAYOUT SLAYRE - Total ($1590) HI:($1590)Royal flush [Ad,10d - P:Ad,B:Kd,B:Qd,B:Jd,P:10d]

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