Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's not the end of the quest I seek..

..it's the journey... or something like that...

Oh this Poker Quest I have been on... what a journey... nothing much compared to some other more notable bloggers.... but, for my lil corner of the world, a very nice journey indeed.... I never really had any goal to this 'Quest'.. I just couldn't think of a name for the blog... seriously, thats the truth...but, I have managed to acquire a few 'treasures' along the way..some more mundane than others..

I have gotten 7 or so Royal Flushes.. score or so of straight flushes, accompanied by same number of quads... half a dozen HAMMER wins, and even more HAMMER losses...these are relatively petite treasures, in the whole scope of the quest...

More important, and infinately more valuable.. are the likes of Pauly, Derek, CJ, April, Scott, Adam.. and others I have met, or chatted with.. these people have taught me to be a better than average poker player.. and I attribute my break even status to thier frequent words of wisdom.... they, in their own way, and usually unaware, have also taught me to be a better person.... better to myself, and to others... so I thank them for these treasures...

So, the time has come to end the Quest... futile as it was... the journey will continue.. for, after all, it is all about the journey... yes?
