Thursday, February 01, 2007

Home Owner ( or ower )

I bought a house today. At least, I think I did.

Last saturday, I went to the subdivision and picked out a small lil number that would be ready in 90 days.. then, over the weekend, I decided that I really didn't like the floorplan, so, when I went back this last Monday with my earnest money, I picked out a different plan, and they said that they would have to build from scratch.. ok, whatever.. as long as the lot isn't sucky..

so i picked some colors for the exterior and the interior, and then a few upgrades.. and signed a crap load of paperwork... then yesterday, i was at the lender's office, which wasn't really the lender, but an 'originator', who will sell my loan to a 'servicer'..

so Misty, that was her name.. went over another crap load of paperwork and had me sign it all, and when it was all said and done.. i asked..

so, did I just buy a house?

and she said 'pretty much'

So, I am not sure what kinda calculator they use for figuring out my credit, but, I want one for work.. figure it could solve a ton of my cobol problems..

anyway.. expected close is july or august, and until i actually get a key.. i doubt I will believe it actually happened...

plus side is that the monthly payment is only 28 dollars more than i told myself i could handle, and that was a high estimate on her part.. and I intend to bring more for a down payment than she figured in the magic calculator computations...

im kinda excited, and still kinda in shock... ( i doubt i picked matching colors for either inside or outside, cuz, i am no good at that.. and I am sure i didnt pick anything that matches my furniture, which at the time, I didn't know was necessary.. )

Its not a big home.. ( 1100sqft ), but its twice as large as any apt I have been in.. and it has a garage, and a yard, and a tax break...

I'll be taking pics as it is built, unless they decide to use a different calculator and figure me out..


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