Big Brother All Stars, so far, has been dominated by the Season 6 Alliance... due mainly to the idiotic strategies of most of the other housemates.
The SO6 alliance of James, Janelle, Kaysar, and Howie are all strutting around like a rooster in a hen house... thinking they have such strength... when they actually don't, but, apparently, I am the only one that realizes this, and I am not playing the game...
Every time they win HOH, they lose a vote in the elimination process.. they only get three...
The other players in the game, need to stop screwing around and start eliminating this group of 4 obnoxious people...
Marcellus(sp) really ticked me off by eliminating Diane from the HOH competition, instead of Kaysar or Janelle... and Janelle ended up winning it....
I am pretty sure the George will be nominated again.. and if so, he will prolly be gone, no matter who goes up with him...
The smart thing for Janelle to do would be to nominate George and Kaysar, as neither of them will be able to compete in the Veto Competition, due to last weeks competition... ( they both chose to give it up in order to win the current one, George ended up winning it, and took himself off the block ) but, she won't nominate Kaysar, because she is an idiot....
I also watched "
Who Wants to be a Superhero" last night and found myself entertained.... was not as cheesey as I thought... these people are less intelligent than the Big Brother people tho... the show is about the human qualities of a super hero, ie, character, integrity, honesty, etc...... 2 heroes were eliminated in the first episode...
Planning a trip to vegas Sept 4 thru the 6th..... no fucking off this time and not booking when i should....